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Thread: First map : pirate bay

  1. #1

    Default First map : pirate bay

    Hello there,

    I'm a RPG GM and I thought "hey but I could do a map instead of several long descriptions that nobody understands", so I made a map of the island where our campaign is set.
    It is my first one and it isn't as easy as I could have thought.
    carte tuto.jpg

    I admire a lot your community and I would be happy if you could C&C my work.

    PS : sorry, bad english, I'm french.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Nov 2016



    Nothing like having a map to set the scene.
    Good on you for taking it on

    So, for feedback. Just to make clear. You are off to a good start. I will try to point out things for consideration.
    Your choice of Texture is great, no worries there.
    I like the shape of the big island. Though, I do feel the smaller islands look too much like you swiped by with your eraser without much else going for it.

    The rivers is the main thing on first glance that catches the eye. They look far too blocky, with 90° degree angles or long almost completely straight lines. This as you may guess doesn't look natural.
    So, my suggestion would be to look at satellite pictures of rivers, to see how they naturally flow.
    Also, just a pointer, rivers always flow to the lowest point and RARELY split. The absolute majority of the time they merge upon going towards the lowest point and Deltas has very specific conditions.

    I'll start with that.

    I hope that helps. If you have any questions, be sure to ask.
    Good luck with rest of your mapping journey.

    ~ Maps-DriveThruRPG ~Free Maps and Assets ~Current Project~

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