That one is pretty unusual - I love it, and the paper is nicely aged too.
Maps are my favorite and I'm so excited to be here. I mostly draw maps for indie authors, including my own stories if I ever get around to finishing them. I'm currently working on 3 very different maps and really enjoying the challenges of each style. This is the one I was working on today.
That one is pretty unusual - I love it, and the paper is nicely aged too.
That is a very beautiful map. I really like your mountains, waterfalls and 'underneath mountains' also the sky (above and below) look great. The land area looks a bit unfinished though, but it's still a very nice map. Rep for including a map in your first post and welcome to the Guild!
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
Wow, what an unsual perspective! Your linework looks great, and the white lines really make everything pop out in a nice way. You should fit in nicely around here! Welcome to the Guild ranks, nice to have you along!
This is different and different is good.
Thanks. The middle section is definitely a work in progress. We just finalized the list of all the locations that need to be displayed so I can start getting those in there.
Very nice work! Welcome to the guild. I'm Adam.
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"Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter,
and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss