Hi guy (and gals!)

I'm just looking for a bit of feedback. First my background... I run an online RPG and prefer to create my own storylines (and therefore battlemaps).

Currently the players are journeying along the Underway (an underground highway) to a ruined dwarven city. I needed a couple of battlemaps for encounters along the way. I set myself a (self imposed) time limit of approx an hour per battlemap.

I recognise that the quality of the battlemap can greatly influence the player experience. And am therefore trying to do the best I can within my time limit. I'm use Gimp and realise that the more I use the program the better (and quicker) that I'll get.

This is my second effort. I'm using "off the web" images and textures. I'm a bit worried by the debris layer (stones/steps/water/etc)... and what do people think about the general colour scheme?

Any general comments gratefully accepted.

Underway Passage.jpg