Excellent! I particularly like your use of colors here. The location icons are also fantastic.
This was a BIG one -- 24 x 24 inches! Hope you can see the detail, as this is a greatly reduced size in order to post it here. I really enjoyed the diversity and features in this client's world, and it's not often I get to do a map that calls for such high detail. I really enjoyed it though it did take quite a tremendous amount of time.
I agree with Ilanthar, the colors in this piece are very attractive. I also like fjords you've made up north. The font you are using for the labels isn't all that clear however so at this resolution some of the labels are a bit tricky to read. Otherwise great!
Nice map ! Vibrant colors !!!
As said above, the colors are really nice and subtly hint at the terrain relief. The icons are gorgeous but the main part for me is the terrain depiction. Forests (those must have taken ages !), desert, lowlands, plains ... it may not seem like much but you, discreetly (and it's a feat), nailed them.
Thanks all! And yeah, sorry the labels are difficult to read in parts; I had to shrink it considerably in order to post it here. This is maybe a quarter of the actual size image.
Wow, that thing is HUGE!! (that's what she said is what everyone else is thinking.) lol.
Beautiful colors too. I can't imagine the required ram to get that done... I don't think I could have made a map that big on my machine..
Click my banner, behold my art! Fantasy maps for Dungeons and Dragons, RPGS, novels. No obligation, free quotes. I also make custom PC / NPC / monster tokens.
Contact me: calthyechild@gmail.com or _ti_ (Discord) to discuss a map!
Believe it or not, this was mostly done on iPad! Which was tough; Procreate could only handle six layers at this size (and 300 dpi!) so it was a challenge getting everything to work together on so few layers. Then I migrated the art to Photoshop for text and touch-ups, because around 3/4ths of the way through drawing, Procreate just started crashing endlessly, couldn't handle it anymore. I've got some extra RAM installed on my iMac, thankfully, or I'm not sure it could've handled it either!