Karl said it allIt was pretty fun and challenging to work on a real world location (Svalbard drastically transformed by climate change) and to draw such a barren landscape. Victor had a clear view of what he wanted and was both thorough and challenging which helped produce better maps in my opinion. Having the opportunity to draw double page maps was a great bonus. On a side note, I was asked to draw torn parchment borders for Karl's maps and that was pretty intimidating and a bit disturbing to kind of "trash" such a beautiful work. What was challenging was also the deadline but pression makes for great maps so ... Karl was lovely and reassured me in the process. Working with such a talented and kind artist was both a pleasure and an honor. It's the second time (my first was with Daniël Hasenbos) I'm allowed to work alongside another artist and it's always a pleasure.
I had a lot of fun with the compass as you can imagine (especially the one with the skull) and was pushed out of my comfort zone with the icons on the Désolation map which is a good thing. I was also asked to do a version of both my maps with a parchment background for promotional purpose and I decided to go for a slightly different color than my usual to match the scorched earth theme, hope it worked.
Enough talk, here come the two maps with both versions :
- B&W
Dernières Terres.jpg---------La Désolation Intérieure.jpg
- colored
Dernières terres color.jpg---------Désolation intérieure color.jpg
All four maps are © Thomas REY - 2019 - All rights reserved
If you fancy it, here's the author's website. The book is in French but some of his earlier works have already been translated in English and other languages.
I hope I'll encounter many other projects where I have to work with other artists and everything will go as smoothly as it did with Karl. Cheers mate !
Hope you enjoy the maps, folks![]()