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Thread: The Ironlands

  1. #1

    Map The Ironlands

    This is my first completed fantasy map -- The Ironlands, designed for a game of Ironsworn that I'm running with a few friends. The Ironlands are harsh, and have proven hard to settle. The Ironlanders came here after fleeing conflict in southern lands, and there is old power here that resists their attempts at creating a new home. From the malevolent Princedom of Alkergrund Forest, to the Forgotten and their strange legacy buried in the Ash-lands, there are many dangers here, but also much opportunity.

    Drawn with Procreate on iPad. Text font is BlackBeard by Ethan Dunham.
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  2. #2


    Very nice for a first map! It has a solid overall look, and that sword compass is a nice touch - tells you quite a bit about the kind of place you're in, I'd imagine. This is a great example on how a map doesn't need to be too crowded in order to look interesting, and having empty strecthes here and there leaves you room to invent new stuff as the campaign runs on.
    One thing I notice is how some of the trees between Eckenberg and Obersfeld look a great deal larger than the rest on the map. It's not a huge issue, but still something that draws my eye in a bit.

    Overall, nice work. Allow me to be the first one to rep you!

    I think I spy a slight taste of Blando in the look of this - have you been studying his book, by any chance?
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  3. #3


    Thanks for the feedback! I think it’s really interesting to see what others notice when taking a look — I certainly have a few things I had on my list of “could be redone”, but it can be easy to get caught up in the details sometimes and miss stuff like those trees.

    And yep, you have a good eye I used Blando’s book as inspiration for a number of features I’d struggled with in the past (primarily trees & mountains).

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