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Thread: Hello all!

  1. #1

    Default Hello all!

    Hi everyone! I'm Andre. I've technically been making maps for about 8 years now, but so infrequently that I still consider myself an amateur. Since getting more invested in running D&D these past few years I've been doing more and more and am really interested in actually honing the craft and learning some good tips and tricks to make my creations more than scratches on a page! (or at least, look INTENTIONALLY like scratches on a page, sometimes that's the right effect.)

    I'm also really into weird worldbuilding, so I don't make things easy for myself. I have one world which is just a fragment of a globe that was shattered into thirteen pieces, so it's like a flat world on the end of a broken stalactite. I have a city built inside a volcano, cities on and off the edge of the world, and cities built from the still-living trees of the forest. Another world I'm working on creating is a collection of moons. I've got a long ways to go in my art career before I can represent these in map form the way I would like to, but I look forward to learning from everyone here.

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer Levtrona's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    Hello, i would like to see what you got so far, these ideas sound great. Welcome to the guild.

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