Arabia Felix
(Ca. 270 B.C.)
For those of you who don't me, I am more a writer than a mapper, but I love maps, and wouldn't ever dream of writing a book that doesn't have at least a couple maps to accompany it. Thus, my mapping is often very closely related to writing projects I am currently working on, or which I plan to get to sometime in the future (with me always banking on the fact that there is an infinite timeline of "in the future"
). This map is no different. It is for a book I am getting close to finishing (if you're interested, hit the link in my signature; that leads to the ongoing installments of my book). The story is set in Arabia in Antiquity, and a good portion of it takes place in the lands of southern Arabia, in particular what is today Yemen, southwestern Saudi Arabia, and western Oman.
The map includes those things that are relevant for the story itself (mountains, notable deserts, wadis, and cities), and is meant to have an old feel to it. Any thoughts and suggestions on it are more than welcome. In particular, thoughts about colors, fonts, font colors, or mountains are things I would heartily welcome. And at the very least, I hope you all like the map!