I'm sure this map will turn out great and not be a turtle disaster
Good start.
Hi all!
So I recently got a new commission, this time for an island roughly the size of Rhodes, Greece, that looks suspiciously like a turtle... because it is!! Shaxzis is a massive beast that swims through this world's oceans, with an entire society of humans happily living their life on the lush slopes, protected from wind and wave action (caused by the turtles movement) by a ridge of mountains stretching from left (west) to right (east).
The client sent me this sketch:
And I turned that into the following draft, with ridges in red and thalwegs in blue (not all thalwegs will have rivers in them, hence the use of this wonderful underused word!):
Shaxzis (draft 2).jpg
I have since started shading in the ridges. I'm not very far yet, but I have managed to get some valleys done already, as you'll see here:
Shaxzis (3a).jpg
Check out my portfolio!
I'm sure this map will turn out great and not be a turtle disaster
Good start.
That sounds like one of the "monsters" in one of the 2nd edition AD&D monstrous compendiums. But still a cool idea, and I expect that this will turn out to be another great map by you.
One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.
Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
Current Lite Challenge WIP : None
Current Main Challenge WIP : None
Completed Maps : Various Challenges
Oh, I remember eyeing this prompt in the requests section. Glad you're sharing it here, curious to see how it will turn out. Off to nice start! I've always enjoyed the top-down style of yours.
OMG, I lolled! And facepalmed, but one seldom goes without the other. Good job on the pun, QED!
Well I don't know about AD&D, never opened a D&D manual (I know, in my line of work??), but I trust you're right. But hey, the client asks so I deliver
Thanks Kell!
Also, client thought my terrain was a bit *too* rough, so since my last update I've mostly been erasing and simplifying. Usually I gradually go into more and more detail, so this is a weird but welcome change! So, in this next image, you'll see a few ridges are missing, and that's exactly what I'm after
Shaxzis (4a).jpg
Check out my portfolio!
looking great!! Can't wait to see the finished project!!
For a second I was like "oh noes, my client ripped off Tolkien!" but seeing JRRT himself ripped off the Middle Ages, I'm perfectly okay with it again
Okay, update!
Shaxzis (6a).jpg
Check out my portfolio!
And here's another update for you guys! All of the terrain is now done, except for any remarks the client might have (which I always welcome!)
Shaxzis (8b).jpg
Last edited by Caenwyr; 11-04-2020 at 06:29 AM.
Check out my portfolio!
This looks great!. For the sake of the citizens, I hope the turtle doesn't dive...
New Horizons
Fantasy maps and illustrations.
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