Originally I posted here looking for two maps and six icons. I've since created one map on my own and now I'm back for the one final map. So if you had an interest before and I did not respond please know that you were not disqualified.

I'm looking for ONE MAP of small New England-y town in our world with around 10-15 locations. This map will feature in a pitch deck for a fantasy/comedy TV show and will likely only ever be seen on a monitor.

Paid: $250 via Paypal for the above upon completion of work.

Subject: I provide some visual examples below and I will give a list of sites and locations I'd like featured on the map. The artist will have some freedom in how the town/map/layout will be executed. I don't necessarily have a fixed layout in mind.

I'm looking for a map of a small New England-y town/hamlet that will feature a town center, surrounding streets and houses and around 10-15 points of interest, e.g. magic portals, character houses, several prominent business places that pop up in the story, a graveyard, forest and adjacent harbor, bay. I imagine the town is a square mile but it's important to note that the map does not need to be a literal map of every street and house and nook and cranny. I'm looking for a charming map that is representative of the type of town I'm partly setting my story in that clearly marks some important places.


I want to try to accomplish the kind of look you see on small town illustrated maps. Usually these maps are a little crude. But the approach is what I'm after.


Failing that we could try for something like the perspectives that Mike Schley uses below...


Color map please.

Quality & Size

Required for web in a landscape layout although each map will likely share the page with copy adjacent to it; this will likely only ever be seen inside a pitch deck on a screen
Specs to follow

Time Constraints

I'm willing to work with schedules if I find the right artist but let's say 1/15/21.


I will maintain the rights to all names, places and ideas used in the map.
I will have the right to use the image for commercial purposes, the artist will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio but not to exploit it for commercial gain.

