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Thread: Lands of Ardheva

  1. #1

    Map Lands of Ardheva

    Hello all! First time posting here.

    This is a map for my fantasy story project. It started as a map of the region most applicable to the story (Temir), but eventually ballooned out to cover the known world. It's not "finished" in the sense that story is still evolving, and so it will certainly change, but I think it's "finished" enough to share.

    I may have gone a bridge too far with the folded paper texture, but I was amusing myself.

    Comment, criticism and suggestions are welcome.

    temir map 20 flat.jpg

    The idea behind the setting is a somewhat desolate world ruled by powerful magics... dominated by desert and wasteland, in which both water and magic are scarce. In the few oases scattered between these wastes, life flourishes and so does magic, but both are as much a hazard to mankind as they are a boon. When not carefully controlled by humans, magic is a capricious and dangerous force, twisting flora and fauna into monstrous forms, spontaneously generating malign creatures of pure magic, and even reanimating the dead. Humans who would live in this land must choose either a free but harsh life in the wastelands, or else must seek the protection of the Marked magic-using nobility in the oases, who can sometimes become as twisted by magic as the land they inhabit.

    More artwork from the "Second Six" project
    Last edited by AriochIV; 01-17-2021 at 08:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Arimel's Avatar
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    Sep 2017


    I see no problems with living in those wastes! I am sure they are pleasant places .
    Really great map. I like the colors you used and the linework is really good. And the paper texture is definitely not over the top!

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