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Thread: Hi All!

  1. #1
    Guild Novice MonkishMonkfish's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Post Hi All!

    Hello All,

    I'm MonkishMonkfish, from Canada, I've been a long time lurker and reader of tutorials here, but just recently registered.

    Got into fantasy maps via Dungeon's & Dragons and other TTRPGs, but world building in general is definitely a hobby in its own right for me, and I'm steadily growing to include more fantasy cartography in that. I've been working mostly in GIMP, but am looking to possibly expand into vector drawing with Inkscape, and I'm hoping the tutorials for that are as good as the GIMP ones have been.

    I definitely consider myself a beginner, but here are a couple of my better maps.




    City maps are a major area I'm hoping to learn and improve on.

    Look forward to meeting you!

  2. #2


    Hi there! You're definitely on the right track there, good luck on the road to cartography. Vector work can be great and I hear Inscape is a good tool to be working with. I know we have a few people on these boards who use it, even if I myself am mostly a pixel/raster artist rather than vector.

    In any case, welcome to the Guild! Looking forward to seeing you around.
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  3. #3
    Guild Novice MonkishMonkfish's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


    Thanks for the warm welcome.

  4. #4


    hello monkishmonkfish! welcome to the guild

  5. #5


    Welcome to the Guild! Thanks for sharing a few of your maps already as well. I’m liking what I’m seeing so far

    I used Inkscape for a number of years for graphic design as well as a little map making. It really is a fantastic app in my opinion. The only reason I eventually switched to Illustrator was because it’s the “industry standard”, which matters in my line of work. But, I still highly recommend it to anyone wanting to get into using vectors. Inkscape and vectors are a little more niche than GIMP, so there aren’t as many tutorials but there should be plenty on YouTube to get you started.

    - Josh

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