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Thread: How to add one inch crosshair dots to battlemap in GIMP?

  1. #1

    Default How to add one inch crosshair dots to battlemap in GIMP?

    As the title says. Fairly new to GIMP. I know how to add the inbuilt grid to maps, but what I'd like was for a way to add a crosshair dot pattern, like the various wilderness tiles from WotC (which I'm sure you know). I can configure the grid in "show grid", but that is only for designing maps etc., and can't be added to the image. Or can it? Is there a way to make the inbuilt grid be crosshairs (black or white), and if not, how do I creat a crosshairs dor grid? 'Thanks.

  2. #2
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Oct 2007
    Apex, NC USA


    One option I can think of is to make a pattern with a cross hair at a specific size with the cross hair in the center of the pattern image, save as a pattern, and then pick that pattern on a layer
    Last edited by jfrazierjr; 12-21-2022 at 01:27 AM.

  3. #3


    Thanks- one problem, I don't even know how to make a crosshair pattern. Guess I have some homework to do

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