This is a good challenge! Looking forward to see what comes out of it.
This month's challenge is to map a place with "Impossible Geography"
Many fantasy maps contain features that don't or can't exist in the real world. Your challenge is to let the magic run wild and map something fantastical - from floating islands, bifurcating rivers, giant mushroom forests, crystal plains, giant demonic chasms, Escher-like structures or anything else suitably improbable.
As always feel free to map at any scale, from battlemap to world, as long as it contains something magical/impossible.
Rules are simple as always:
1. Any map for this challenge cannot have been started before now (the exception being Redrobes who was the first to guess the challenge and has an extra week to work on it)
2. Label your map thread like this: August 2023 Challenge: (your title here)
3. Preface any work-in-progress pictures you post with the WIP tag button - it's in the toolbar on the second row down, towards the right. Or you can just type out ### Latest WIP ### Doing this allows the picture scraper to see your work and let the voters see it at the end of the month
The Challenge will run until Thursday 31st August at some point in the evening (BST)
Good Luck!
This is a good challenge! Looking forward to see what comes out of it.
~ Maps-DriveThruRPG ~Free Maps and Assets ~Current Project~
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~"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
~Matt 11v 28-30
I ought to have had a weeks worth of effort on mine by now but in reality all I have managed is to think about it for a week... There was a good video the other day on youtube from veritasium about entropy and that made me think about that a bit. So I am thinking about what a map would look like if we did not have the real universe restriction of entropy always getting higher in a closed system. If your unsure what entropy is then its worth watching the video as he is very good at explaining things like that.
Also once upon a time - a long time ago now - I saw a great map made with some real fine liner pens and I asked the artist for the brand and then got some. Those have been languishing in the packet for several years now and if they still work I might get a pencil and those pens out and do a regional map - a bit out of my usual style.
Hmmm... "Impossible Geography"... An otherwise unremarkable map with places like "Honest Legislature", "Pious Temple", and "Generosity Bank" as the names?
Last edited by Straf; 08-01-2023 at 05:08 PM.
I started a DeviantArt page
Will be fun to see what happens this month. Dunno what I'll be able to contribute but will enjoy watching other entries at least.
A reminder that this is the last day to enter!
Won't have time to close it tonight so will close it in the morning tomorrow (approx 24 hours from now)
There's a few interesting maps this month. Well done everyone!
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"