This map was actually based on a text description of a dungeon in a blog post from Kobold Press. A cleric in my campaign in their Midgard setting follows the deity referenced and I wanted a map to facilitate the side-quest. The illustration in the top left is a side view of the shrine at the pinnacle of a small mountain. It remains mysteriously unruined through the years of harsh wind and driven snow. The top left is an overhead view of the shrine and the surrounding portions of the summit. There is a secret entrance under the altar. Finally, the main portion of the map is the rather simple five room dungeon laid out in a series of circles arranged in a hub-and-spoke pattern.

The map and illustration were hand drawn in pencil, then inked with Micron black pens. I cleaned up the image scan with very basic GIMP functions.

You can find it and other maps and writing I do at my blog:
