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Thread: Intro

  1. #1

    Default Intro

    Hi everyone. I am an older avid D&D player who is starting to get into DMing and with that, of course, mapping. I have a little experience with Photoshop but now use Gimp though not enough to be any good anymore. I came to this site looking for brushes to make mapping faster for my players. I like using the watabou map generator but as it is justa random generator and I want specific buildings, I have to do modifications in Gimp. Thus, I am searching for photoshop brushes that fit in the similar style for such fantasy maps. The concept is not all that hard and I suppose I could make my own brushes if I applied some time to such a task but I am certain many others have already done this task. Any help is appreciated. Perhaps, if I get good at it, I will also provide the DM's in my group with custom maps for thier campaigns as well. Both battlemaps as well as town and regional maps. Who knows. My ADHD may not even let me stay focused long enough for such an ambitious task. It does sound like fun though. - Alkthescot

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Blog Entries


    Welcome to the guild. You should check out the mapping resources section and, in particular, Bogies collection of items which is running into about 42 pages of it depending on your page settings.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 02-18-2025 at 07:28 AM.

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