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Thread: Desert River

  1. #1

    Map Desert River

    Finished. Nothing more to say at this point really
    Edit: Maybe I'll just add some details:

    Software used: Geocontrol2, Vue, Photoshop (not always in that order)
    Time: 1-2 working days
    Resolution: 2000px by 2000px
    Inspiration: partially from King of the Trollhaunt Warrens maps by NeonKnight
    Labelling: I decided not to label any of the canyons etc (simple, isn't it?)

    Edit: Link to the GeoControl 2 tutorial thread
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Jykke; 07-12-2009 at 04:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Leader NeonKnight's Avatar
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    Surrey, Canada, EH!


    But, how is the population zero when I see some nice little cabins????

    Nice map though. Reminds me of the area around Vernon B.C.
    Daniel the Neon Knight: Campaign Cartographer User

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  3. #3
    Community Leader Gandwarf's Avatar
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    Jun 2008


    I fell in love with this map... amazing work.

    Like NeonKnight I am curious. How come the population is 0 when I see some housing?
    Check out my City Designer 3 tutorials. See my fantasy (city) maps in this thread.

    Gandwarf has fallen into shadow...

  4. #4
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Perhaps it had a population...

    This map is double A+ awesome. Nothing to crit - just watch the sizzle and evaporation of my drool...

    EDIT -- Ahh just noticed. GeoControl. We haven't had anyone use that so far though I was aware of the app. Its supposed to have some fluid flow over terrain built into it. I saw a vid showing that a while back.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 07-11-2009 at 04:10 PM.

  5. #5


    I thought about writing a label for the small town.. "Abandoned Ranch" or "Abandoned Outpost" So even if there is buildings, it doesn't mean there is people, alive atleast (10 points to Redrobes!). Oh and I have to add this link for a canyon picture I found AFTER doing this map ( LINK ). Is that a coincidence or what?! Personally I'm quite pleased with the end result And thanks for the positive feedback, It's always nice to get some!
    Last edited by Jykke; 07-11-2009 at 04:12 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    St. Charles, Missouri, United States


    Really nice. I never had the patience to stick with GeoControl so maybe you could hook us up with a tut on what you did on that part. Just cool beyond what I can express.
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    My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps

  7. #7


    like looking at a satellite image. nice!
    Adam Schmidt
    Illustration and Cartography

  8. #8


    If geocontrol isn't used much on these forums, then I probably should do atleast somekind of tutorial about the program. Geocontrol was probably the shortest stage on the final version of this map, so it shouldn't be too much of trouble. As Redrobes remembered, the application does support fluvial flows, but to be honest, I took a shortcut on this map and didn't bother using them But you can expect a tutorial to follow in the next 14 hours.

  9. #9


    The tutorial has been posted on the tutorials section. Just download GeoControl 2 demo and try it out

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