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Thread: Sci FI Trifecta.....

  1. #1
    Guild Journeyer thebax2k's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Baton Rouge, LA

    Link Sci FI Trifecta.....

    Here's 3 Sci-Fi themed links that might be of interest:

    The Star Wars Deckplans Alliance contains dozens of deckplans of canon and fan made (primarily fan made) vessels in the Star Wars universe. Even if you're not that fond of Star Wars, the plans might be of use in a sci-fi game. The Alliance can be reached at

    Jeff Russell's Starship Dimensions is a really, really cool site that provides side views of ships from a large number of different sci-fi universes (Lexx, Farscape, Robotech, Star Trek, Star Wars, and B5 are but a few). What's makes it so cool is that you can compare the sizes of one vehicle to another as well as being able to compare objects to real world items (such as an F14 or a supertanker). With objects ranging from E.T. to a Dyson Sphere, give Jeff's site a peek at, you won't be disappointed.

    Finally, Wolf's Shipyard is a site that has a whole host of drawings and images of various spaceships. Though it focuses primarily on Battlestar Galactica, you'll find vessels from other universes there as well. You can find the shipyard at
    Last edited by thebax2k; 07-30-2007 at 08:14 PM.

  2. #2
    Professional Artist
    Join Date
    May 2007


    I like the way E.T. is mentioned as a "real world item."

  3. #3
    Guild Member Publius's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Flint, Michigan


    This has been bouncing around for a while and I always seem to lose track of where they are located as it shifts about. The mazing thing is that Frank Bonura used Paint! I have no idea if he still does or not at this point, but they sure look the same. Nice job, thanks for the link.

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