Nice. The second one reminds me of the style of maps that appeared in the D20 Critical Locations book (the desaturated look aside of course).
Hi all,
I'm trying to get over my tendency toward laboring overmuch when mapping. This map is for an upcoming adventure I'm putting together for my regular gaming group. It's an office building converted into a CDC crisis center to handle a plague. Spent only a couple of hours so far by using selections, objects, layer styles, etc. to speed up my usual process.
It's not much to look at but the basics are in there. Going to go back in when I have some more time and add furniture and other details, some textures, and so on to finish it up.
The adventure I'm running is a heavily modified version of one that appeared in TSR's (now WotC) Alternity book Tangents, about parallel world-hopping. I have included a scan of the original map for reference. This part of the adventure is more or less straight from the book.
I am, however, using GURPS, which uses hexes instead of squares for movement. Anybody have a nice hex grid pattern/texture/overlay that would work for putting a hex grid onto this thing? Barring that I guess I'll maybe do one in Illustrator and bring it in to use as a pattern.
Nice. The second one reminds me of the style of maps that appeared in the D20 Critical Locations book (the desaturated look aside of course).
Thanks. Just to be clear the second one is the probably knew that but I just wanted to say so plainly. I believe that this was done by Chris West, who also did the Critical Locations maps. I like his maps a lot, although they're not always that realistic (leaving off bathrooms and such). He also did (I think) the maps for Star Wars Saga and many of the ones for Paizo (Shackled City, I think, and maybe more).
Little more work - another hour, still trying to keep it light. Just texturing. Some are a bit overboard. Might fix or might not...but happy to take suggestions.
[edit]Now that I look at it I realize the "highly random" edges of the planting beds in the original don't look quite right. Think I'll probably go for something a little more uniform...more in-line with tech park style[/edit]
Last edited by mearrin69; 04-02-2010 at 10:12 PM.
Added some furniture, maybe 30 mins of moving shapes around. Anybody have suggestions for creating decent looking carpet at this scale? Very unhappy with my floor coverings.
Still working on this but decided to also start on another of the maps...this one a chapel from a different parallel world from the crisis center. This map is, like the last, a remake of one that appeared in the Tangents adventure (probably by West as well if I'm right about the first one). I didn't post the original this time, as it is much the same style as the first.
Looks good!
For the record, the original is not one of mine. The only maps I did for d20 Modern appeared in the Critical Locations book.
Also, I'm curious: What modern maps of mine are missing bathrooms? Including them is pretty important to me, as they help make a place feel "real".
Heya. Thanks for the reply. No slight intended at all and I was totally going off of memory...a mental note I thought I had made to myself. Now I'm embarassed.Will have a look through Critical Locations and my Star Wars books (you did a some/all of the ship maps, no?) tonight to refresh myself on your maps!
BTW, the poster maps for sale on your site look awesome. Do you plan on doing more products? Modern/sci-fi map tiles like the Galaxy Tiles set Wizards put out for Star Wars would be high on my list of purchases. I have no idea how well they sell...guessing not that well since Wizards only did one.
Hi all,
Little more on the chapel. Reckon it could look a lot better but I haven't had any time at all to work on mapping this week thanks to real-world work. Spent about an hour on this tonight. Not sure how much further I'll take these but I'll probably try to get all of the details in there at least. Still looking for any advice you might have for creating a realistic-ish carpet a loss there.
I've got a few non-remake tactical maps to do for this adventure as well. Might or might not take them beyond the sketch level...
I've got a real soft spot for modern maps, and yours are beautiful and functional. I don't suppose you'd consider posting a few working notes on getting a modern-style map to turn out so nicely.